About Me!

Posted on May 14, 2007. Filed under: fitness, Goals, Health, Losing Weight, Weight Loss |

fred_casey-halloween.jpgAfter Pic (210 lbs)

Fred at 307 lbsBefore Pic (Around 307 lbs)

Hi everyone!  I wanted to start blogging because eventually I want to start up a website for weight loss and health news.  Regardless here is my story…

My name is Fred and I am married with one son.  I have been overweight my entire life.  Ever since I was a toddler I was always on the overweight side.  I think I was overweight for most of my life because no one (not even school) ever gave me any information on nutrition.  I had no idea that some of the meals I was having were over 10,000 calories.  I never even understood the importance of calories and the nutrition value.  Anyway, my obesity still continued until my early 20s.  Finally, something woke me up then and I decided to lose weight.  I did lose about 50 or so lbs, but gained it back within a couple of years.  I ballooned up to 355 lbs and when I saw that number on the scale I couldn’t believe I had lost control of my looks and health.  I knew it was time for a change.  I went on my own nutrition and fitness plan and I lost 125 lbs.  It was great and I felt great.  However, after I lost that weight I got stuck (became frustrated) and I could not lose anymore weight for some reason.  Meanwhile, I hurt my knee while training for a marathon so I had no access for any other type of cardio at that time.  Slowly over the last 5 years or so, I gained back 70 lbs because I could not run.  Well at least that is what I told myself and maybe at that time, I truly did not undersand why I originally lost the weight and how mentally hard it is to stay fit the rest of your life after losing weight.  

Once I saw the scale go over 305 lbs again (in 08/06) and because I had a new son, I knew in the back of mind it was time to make some changes forever.

In August 2006, I started a journey to a more healthy me.  I wanted my results to be permanent this time so I could live as long as possible and spend each day energized and make every day special for my wife and child.  At that time, I weighed 307 lbs and I was not happy with myself physically, especially after seeing a picture of myself from a work outing.  After I saw the picture (above), I decided to write some goals down and make a plan to get down to under 200 lbs for the first time since before 8th grade or so.

As of January 200, I weigh 207 lbs.    Therefore as of right now, I have lost 100 lbs.  This is the lowest I have weighed since about 8th grade and I feel great. 

Hopefully, some of my blogs/stories will help you meet some of your goals.   Believe me if I can do it, you can too.  You just need to start by writing some goals and find the REAL reasons why you want/NEED to lose weight.  Losing weight and getting healthy can NOT just be a thing to do in your life, it HAS to be a PRIORITY.  Do you want to spend time and money now on your health while you are in control?  Or do you want to spend thousands of dollars trying to recover from surgeries in the hospital and when your health is out of your control?  Over the years Americans have accepted that overeating is okay and being a bit overweight is okay.  Well, in reality, it is not.  It should NOT be accepted just like alcoholism is not (I will get into this analogy more in the future).  Now is the time for you to make a change in your life and inspire others to change theirs. 

I know for a fact that this time for me, it will be forever.


Some information about the pics above:

BEFORE: That picture was from a work outing.  I am guessing I was about 305-310 lbs.  When I weighed myself on the Monday afterwards I was 307 lbs and that was the start of this lifestyle change.  My pants size was around 52 inches, most of my shirts were 3XL.

AFTER:  That is my son (Casey) on Halloween (10/31/07).  In that picture, I am about 205-210 lbs.  Most of the shirts I wear now are XL and my pants size is a 38″ now. 


I am NO EXPERT.  I am just sharing my stories and ideas on how I lost the weight.  What people need to understand that there are TONS of “experts” writing DIEt books and making millions of dollars, but these are usually NOT people who have lost a lot of weight.  These are people (i.e, skinny doctor who was never been overweight in his life) who are basing their ideas on what they BELIEVE will work and yes some of them will work for you for a while.  However, MOST of them are eating habits that you will NOT be able to do for the rest of your life.  I don’t believe in diets, I believe in changing the way you eat, counting your calories and including exercise in your schedule on a daily basis.   

Good luck on your journey to a new you! 

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3 Responses to “About Me!”

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Fred, this is good news. I like that you are using blogging to journal your results. You are at 217lb and me I am at 207lb. I lost 23 pounds since March 1st, and use my blog to journal the sucess. It is really about be accountable. I write in my blog, (very few read it, but that is not the point). Keep up the hard work! Enjoy the thinner you. — D

Congrats to you! All that hard work paid off!

I struggle with weight too…

Fred – What an outstanding accomplishment! You should be very proud! Carolyn

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