Spark People

Find Support – Step 4

Posted on July 10, 2007. Filed under: fitness, Goals, Health, Losing Weight, Motivation, Spark People, Traineo, Weight Loss, Weight Watchers |

Your support can be your family, friends and/or co-workers.  These people should be aware of what you are trying to accomplish and how you want to change your lifestyle for the rest of your life.  They need to know this so they can support you and so they are aware that this is not just some 2 week adventure.  You can not expect them to change their eating habits just because you are.  It would be great (for you and them) if they do, but if they really don’t want or have to, then you have to respect that.  You will just have to be strong when temptations are around the house or at parties.

However, what you may find is that the real support you use on a daily basis can be found on the internet.  Myself I found that Traineo was the best and simplest site out there.  Most of the people in the Traineo community are great and there are people on there that motivate you too.  You can sign up to be a motivator or get a motivator to get on your rear end and motivate you to meet your goals.  I have become good friends with some people from that site and I continue to talk to them and they always help me stay on course.  They have a great forum where there are tons of people who are always online willing to anwwer some of your questions.  You may also find that you can help others and answer some questions for them.  IF you visit this site and sign up, please go to (I had to type it out) and put a comment to let me know you signed up because of my Blog.  IF you visit my Traineo profile you will see that I have my mini goals documented so I can refer to them everyday.

 Other sites are Sparkpeople, Weight Watchers.  There are tons more out there.  You will just need to look around to see what best fits your needs.  You will see that it is great to have some support from some strangers because you will most likely find people that are in similar situations as you are and you can each motivate each other.

Your support will be there to help you stay on course.  However, you have to be the STRONG one and remind yourself every single day WHY you are working so hard on this journey.  The longer you stay with this, the stronger you will get.

Good luck on your journey to a new you! 

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